“I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the LORD of hosts.” Malachi 3:11
Sarah Everard was one of the 115 women killed this year 2021, in the United Kingdom. What shocked the whole nation was that a Policeman that sworn to serve and protect the public was the one that used his uniform like a “Flytrap” to trap, abduct, rape, and murder the young lady. This killing and the demonstrations that followed influenced this painting “The PREDATORS: Women Lives Matter.”

Women abusers and killers are in every culture, ethnicity, and nationality. From the so-called first world to third world countries. From the rich and powerful to the weak and penniless predators on the streets, they are low lives beings that should not be called human beings. If I have the power to rule the world, I will decree that all proven sex predators should be castrated

Women are naturally beautiful, and they deserve to be treated with tender loving care by normal men. They should not be made scared to walk across the street and live normal lives by abnormal, sex-manic creatures for their beauty and their sexuality. Climate change, pandemics, Terrorism and Wars are some of the calamities that threaten the sustainability of the human race. If the abuse and killing of women do not stop, human sustainability is in danger because there is no human being without women.

Price $1,350.00
Weight 1 (kg)
Creation Date December 2021
Canvas (stretched)